By hiring the talented professional illustrator Nadia Ronquillo and her team, a tried-and-true system will be used to create and publish your children’s book in a way that your vision will be respected and elevated.
Type my name into the search bar inside Amazon’s website and look at the average rating for previous books that I have illustrated.
It’s a process based on a true collaboration. You share your vision for the book and we enhance it utilizing prior experience and market knowledge. We offer unlimited corrections since we are committed to turning your passion project into the best book it can be!
An Editorial Assessment where we find all the big-picture flaws in a manuscript and offer suggestions and corrections to fix them.
An Art direction, to collaborate with you on the style and references we are using for your book.
Illustrations, choosing either spreads (double page illustrations), single images or spots illustrations in a way that makes the book feel more cinematic and dynamic.
Children's book layout adding the text and any graphic element needed on the book
Formatting meeting the requirements of the printers or Amazon in order to have your books ready to be published online or with a printer company.
Assistance with uploading your files to Amazon or support while your working with your printing company
Support once you get your first proof copy in case of any corrections needed.
We operate with a work for hire contract in which you possess 100% OF THE RIGHTS to the images we create for you. We only ask to be credited in the book and be able to showcase the project on social media. Who doesn’t like free advertising?
Payment is received in four installments at important milestones of the process.
Simply put, we want to make of the self-publishing world a place with amazing stories and visuals
Are you ready to book a free discovery call here with me?
We have a summer offer in which the first 5 clients who book us till the end of this month receive a FREE coloring book and social media videos to share on Instagram and TikTok.
We only take a couple of projects through the year so books us now so we can collaborate and bring your book to life.
The manuscript or concept of the story.
The number of pages you need and what type of illustrations: spot illustration, single pages, spreads (two pages)
A visual reference for the style you are most interested in.
Format and size for the book if not I’ll be glad to recommend a couple of options.
After you have chosen to work with me. I’ll send a written contract with all the requirements, timeframes for the deliverables and services you have requested. I am always glad to get on a call, to explain my process further. After I receive the first payment, I’ll send a Trello link for you to review my process. You can read more about it here.
Finally, and most importantly, you get to own the rights for the images and the publishing and commercial use for the images
Get in touch with us so we can do a video call and get to know more about your project and needs.