Children's book illustrator

Children's book illustrator

Children's book illustrator Portfolio

Nadia Ronquillo is a Children’s Book Illustrator, Visual Development Artist and Content Creator from Ecuador. She majored in Graphic Design and Audiovisual Production…

Bring your children's book to life before the year ends

Over 200 books successfully illustrated!

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Children's book illustrators: Gallery

Children's book illustrator Portfolio

What’s my process like?

We believe in true collaboration. You share your vision, we enhance it with our experience and market insight, guiding you to maximize your book’s success. Plus, we offer unlimited corrections to ensure your passion project becomes the best book possible!


Set Art Direction

Define the illustration style to match your vision.


Design Characters

Create vibrant protagonists and cast.


Mock-up Book

Visualize layout and pacing.


Sketch and Color

Outline with initial sketches and choose color schemes.


Finalize Illustrations

Refine with captivating colors and layout adjustments.


Format for Printing

Prepare for Amazon or printing company.


Provide Support

Assist with tweaks for a polished publication.

Children's book illustrator: projects

Children's book projects

Bring your children's book idea to life!

Children's book illustrator Portfolio: Clients

Watch what our clients say about their projects

Ready to transform your manuscript into a captivating book ?

Let's create something extraordinary together!


Frequently asked questions

  • The manuscript or concept of the story
  • The number of pages you need and what type of illustrations: spot illustration, single pages, spreads (two pages)
  • A visual reference for the style that you desire
  • Format and size for the book (I’m happy to recommend a few options)

After you choose to work with me. I’ll send a written contract with all the requirements, timeframes for the deliverables and services you have requested. I am always glad to get on a call, to explain my process further. After receiving the first payment, I’ll send a Trello link for you to review my process.

Payments for children’s books projects are based on payment installments that we can structure around the milestones.

  • 25% to start the project.
  • 25% when delivering the sketches for the pages.
  • 25% when delivering final color for pages.
  • 25% when delivering the pdf for revision.

Yes, I am always to illustrate new and exciting projects. So do reach out even if you see a product that is not listed. I am always up for a challenge.